nipplette vibrating nipple camps by doc Johnson come in attractive packaging and a tasteful shade of pink. there's no gawping naked women on the cover and the clamps are clearly displayed
they run off of three watch style batteries in each clamp and come with one set pre loaded and another set to change them. It would not be too hard to find replacement batteries but the two sets are more than plenty to be going on with
using them is simple, just press on the clip end to attach them to the nipple and push the black button on the end
there are several problems with the clamps. I couldn't really feel the vibrations on my nipples and they didn't really "clamp"

the vibrations were fairly weak and the motor was quite loud considering the size of the bullet. the clamps feel quite light too and if they were slightly weightier it might have helped with the transmission of sensations.
these would be perfect for those who are not so keen on pain or the tight grip of more traditional clamps or a great way to try nipple play.
because of the weight of the batteries the clip will sort of hang off and the style of them means they can't be tightened as much as i would like them to be.
there is a little screw that means they can be adjusted to be more open if you do have bigger nipples. Personally i feel that a better choice would be a pair of clover nipple clamps and a cheap bullet to give similar sensations.
all in all they were not my kind of thing. I couldn't really feel the vibrations on the nipples and the high pitched buzzing became a little annoying after a while
plus points are the tasteful packaging and colouring of the item, the ready and plentiful supply of batteries
the major negative seems to be that they didn't really clamp as hard as i wanted to and that the vibrations were not strong enough for me.
these clamps are available from both sextoys.co.uk ( where this review appears and where i got the review product from) and lovehoney.co.uk (where the images of the clamps are from)