The pussy pride project is another one of Molly's daily kiss' excellent memes and statements. It's chief aim is to get women to feel proud of their genitals and break taboos around female genital appearance. All that's asked of participants is a brief description and explanation of their feelings and, if they are comfortable enough, images may be used.
I, Like many women do not like the way my vulva looks. I also seem to have issues with the vagina internally, namely not being able to take much depth wise, which contributes somewhat to my general dislike and hang ups about my body. This does make partner sex tricky and uncomfortable sometimes, which also fuels the dislikes and hang ups in a vicious circle.
I've always known I've had larger labia than most women and it's been a stressful thing for me, even before becoming sexually active. I have had to be careful with clothing choices, always worried about smell and discharge as well as urination and general hygiene. Because of the protection of the labia my clitoris is very sensitive and it is sometimes painful to touch directly, this means I tend to masturbate in a very unique way that is hard to teach others.
I also have sensitive skin which makes shaving or waxing pubic hair an
issue. If I shave i often end up with razor bumps and burns which makes
sex slightly painful and contributes to my dislike of the area. It does not help that I don't really like having pubic hair, but find that it is the lesser of two evils when it comes to comfort.
When I did become sexually active I voiced my concerns with the partner who took my virginity and he was less than supportive, calling me alternative. This made me even more self conscious, and combinrf with his half hearted attempts at any kind of sexual activity left me paranoid.
Receiving oral sex has always been an issue for me. I don't like the way the lips of my vulva look - so I have never really wanted anyone that close to them! As well as that the fact my clitoris is very sensitive has made oral at the mouths of causal sex partners and people who were not particularly skilled fairly painful and not pleasurable. Even now, after being in a long term relationship I prefer other methods of stimulation to oral sex.
Being with S was totally different to any relationship that I have had before. He helped reassure me and understands that I do not like oral. Because I feel so safe with him I was trying things like oral and taking photographs of my naked self - something I have never really done below the waist before.
I'm still not comfortable enough with my body to post pictures, and do not feel that this is the right place for them should I eventually decide to. I am however becoming more comfortable being me, and more understanding that I am a normal, healthy and sexually happy woman
To this day I still do not like the
look of my vulva, though I would no longer consider surgery. I am
grateful that I have working genitals that give me pleasure and am
slowly working through my mental blocks. Working through my issues is a healthy thing to do, and participating in the Pussy Pride Project is one way I think I can do that. I may still be on an extreme end of normal, but I no longer feel like a freak like I once used to.
I'm still not comfortable enough with my body to post pictures, and do not feel that this is the right place for them should I eventually decide to. I am however becoming more comfortable being me, and more understanding that I am a normal, healthy and sexually happy woman
Thank you for sharing such an intimate thing to your readers, and good to hear you have a great partner that cares for you. Happy New Year 2015