Saturday, 12 February 2011

Fuck buddies

I've had a fuck buddy in the past, when i was 18 i lost my virginity to the Canadian, after which we decided to just have casual sex. To be honest i would absolutley adore having another relationship like this. Sex with the canadian was boring, vanilla and very selfish on his behalf. Another fuck buddy like that would be pointless, but i can see the attraction in getting sex and being satisfied without the emotional baggage of a relationship! I am wiser than i was then, so its a certainty that i wouldn't put up with such crap.
I am, at the moment trying to find a long term committed partner ( as in a boy/girlfriend) but it gets really tricky when it comes down to the fact that i am highly sexed and i do worry sometimes that being so open and honest with those i meet can be a little off putting.
It's a theory of mine that just having regular sex with someone might make it a little easier to meet someone and not want to fuck their brains out just 'cause im desperatley horny and haven't got laid in a long time. It would also help me feel a lot less frustrated in life in general.
I struggle to find a fuck buddy however, as my confidence is zero. I'm not the kinda person to go out to a bar and pull, never have been and never will be. Even online dating has more nuances and subtleteys than i can understand. When it comes to relationships and seduction my method is usually outright asking "wanna fuck" which dosen't seem to work that well! yes there are dating sites purley for fuck buddies or casual sex, but to me most of them seem a little seedy so i tend to avoid them.
For me emotions don't factor into sex. I can start a relationship with someone knowing that they don't really care for me, nor I for them and be fine. Its when a relationship starts out as "we will date" and then turns into something casual that gives me issues. I guess my emotions are like a tap. If its off its off and won't turn itself on of its own volition. but if its on then turning it off becomes tricky.

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