On Friday night I met up with a friend I hadn't seen in a while and we decided to go to a strip club. It was my first visit to such a place, and it was quite fun if I am honest.
We visited a Platinum lace gentlemens club which are female friendly. There's the main bar area that has topless dancing and than an upstairs vip with the booths. While it is female friendly me and my mate were the only unacompanied females in there ( i.e women there without their boyfriends or a male) and it did raise a few eyebrows of the male clientele, one even wandering over and stating that we were lesbians! If I was more self concious it could have put me off I think. The club was clean, the bar was well staffed and there was a visibile prescence of security guards which I found comforting.
My first dance was pretty cool, having a pretty woman writhing about on your lap, groping you and shoving her boobs in your face is rather sexy, and the private dances at the club are fully naked ones. I was quite nervous at first, and found it hard to relax and enjoy it, I'm still not totally convinved that it's something thats really sexy, but I would be interested in going to a strip club with a partner, to see if buying dances and picking girls out for them would be sexy. By the end of the night I had had 4 private dances off of different women, and my friend had picked some of them for me, her judgement of women that I would find atractive was suprisingly good. My friend is straight and her eagerness at going to a strip club suprised me. I do wonder though at her eagerness and continual claims of "this is so cool, I love boobs" wether she was entirley comfortable with it.
While it was sexy there was always the thought that the women are only dancing for the money, and I personally have a hard time reducing attraction to a person down to a physical thing. It's not a cliche at all to say that I find personality more attractive than looks. Despite these issues I would go again. I even got a number off of a slightly drunk bloke, it's a shame i wasn't attracted to him.
you write really well - nice style. have enjoyed your posts. keep going