Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Dating Disasters

As most readers should know I am single, and currently looking for a fuck buddy or even a long term relationship.
In the course of this I have been on some dates, mostly being pretty disastrous.

Last Autumn i met up with someone in a city near where I live, we'd agreed to go to an art museum because it was free and we were both pretty poor at the time. When we arrived He started moaning about how he hated it there and didn't bother looking at any of the exhibits, at times actually pulling me through some of the halls! He'd talked online for ages about how he loved the particular museum and things so I'd assumed he would let me look through them in peace. what was worse was he refused to go into any gallery that had artwork from other cultures or countries and got really pissy when i went in them without him! Just as i thought the day couldn't get any worse we went to the cafe for a drink. at which point he decided to melt chocolate into his tea and drink it from a spoon! I just wanted the ground to swallow me up. He repeatedly stated that he didn't want a girlfriend ( which is a lot different from what he had said online) and how his family were god awful and all his friends were out to get him, as if paranoia is somehow attractive.
So we finished looking through the museum, and then went for a walk around the town centre, where he made a point of talking to every shop assistant there was, even if he wasn't buying anything and there was a que of people waiting to be served. He had no idea of any of the social rules that are at play in public, and it was just a really awkward day.

You would think that i would have learned from this experience but it seems that this is just t the kind of guy i attract! Recently I went on a first date with someone from around uni, to the local student pub, below his student accommodation. He turned up late, then left me on my own in the pub to go get cash, despite walking past 4 machines on his way to the pub from the lecture halls. He then started to talk loudly about his political ideas, and would not accept any reasonable debate against it. At one point he tried to deny the common knowledge proven facts, stating that I knew nothing when the information is part of my degree. We then went on to talk about hobbies and interests. whenever he got excited he would shout louder, throw his arms about and squeal. I could see people actually pointing and laughing at us, yet he was totally oblivious to it all. I did feel bad when i made my excuses after half an hour or so, but I do think that i gave it a fair chance.

All in all that date was kinda depressing, I know I'm not attractive conventionally or anything, but all I would like is a partner who shares some of my interests and knows how to behave in a relationship and in public. surely that's not too much to ask for?

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