As I was single for a considerable amount of time I was trying internet dating, for the best part of 2 to 3years. Through that I have met some great people and some not so great ones, but have found some common themes in the hundreds of profiles I've read and the thousands of messages I've seen and sent.
The topic of creepy people on dating websites has been covered by lots of writers, many who are better and funnier than me. Because of this I'm not going to cover anything like that, but feel free to look around online for examples.One of the things that I never understood about internet dating was how it seems that plenty of polite, people seem to forget their manners and any social skills they have. What is normal to say on the internet would never be said in any other social realm.
Tip 1 - have an interesting profile with some individual information about yourself
You may love football, beer and going to the gym, but so does everyone else. That's more or less a staple of online dating profiles. By no means omit this from your statements about yourself, especially if it is an important part of your life - but give me something else to go on. Say which teams you like, or what beer is your favorite. Make sure if you are stating things like "I like video games and anime" that you tell me a few titles - so I don't have to waste yours and my time by asking the silly questions first.