Tuesday, 2 October 2012

new beginnings

It's been a while since I posted on here- there's several reasons for it, but I shan't bore you with them when i have something a lot more interesting to discuss!
I think I finally have a boyfriend :D

Me and S met about a month ago and have clicked quite well. due to me being unemployed and him being in a non 9 to 5 job we have managed so far to spend quite a bit of time together (this is about to change due to S' new job, but it's not a big deal as we will now have weekends) As it's been such a short amount of time I'm not really sure on things like titles (we don't really need them, but its why i *think* rather than just have)
 We share the same interests and some similar hobbies, and just like hanging out together. this last weekend with him i just chilled and watched him play black mesa on steam, happy to be with him.

It is however early days, and although we both feel confident that this is a viable relationship there are some things we need to do more carefully than others due to him (and by extension most likely me in the future) being polyamorous with another (more primary and established) relationship. There's also the fact that I have never had a committed romantic relationships so have nothing to base my experiences on. That however can be a whole other post when I've had time to think about the formats of it and analysed how I feel a little bit more. polyamory is a new type of relationship to me so I'm not the best person to be posting and talking about it.
All in all though the thought of spending time with him and actually being with him gives me the warm fuzzies that any relationship should

As a side note I am wondering how readers (if there are any) like the layout and format of the blog, eg the adverts and backgrounds, text formatting and colour scheme.  I'd appreciate some feedback on this as I would like to make this blog the best it can be. I know my spelling and grammar need improvement (which is tricky due to dyslexia) so there is that to work on.

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